Shares in Alligator Bioscience AB are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange (Stockholm) under the designation ATORX. Companies on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange are divided into three segments: Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap. Nordic companies with a market value over one billion euro are presented within the Nordic Large Cap segment. Companies with a market value between 150 million and 1 billion euro are contained within the Mid Cap segment, while companies with a market value below 150 million euro are contained in the Small Cap segment. The segments are revised every six months, on 1 January and 1 July, based on the weighted average price for May and November. Alligator Bioscience is currently listed in the Small Cap segment.
The total number of outstanding shares in the Company is 760,487,243 shares, of which 759,708,074 are ordinary shares with one vote each and 779,169 are series C shares with 1/10 vote each. The total number of votes in the company amounts to 759,785,990.9.
Here you find the latest stock price information regarding the Alligator Bioscience share
Insider trading (Finansinspektionen/The Swedish Securities and Exchange Commission)