Eva Sjökvist Saers

Board member
  • Board member since: 2021
  • Independent in relation to the Company and its management: Yes
  • Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes
  • Holdings in Alligator: 100,000 warrants in program TO 2022/2025 II, 240,000 warrants in program TO 2023/2026 II and 160,000 warrants in program TO 2024/2027 II.
  • Other current positions: Chairman of the board of Dicot AB (publ) and Coegin Pharma AB. Board member of Apoex AB, Bluefish Pharmaceuticals AB (publ) and Oxcia AB. Deputy board member of Brainstorm Aktiebolag.

Eva Sjökvist Saers – born 1962, Board member since 2021 – has a Doctoral degree in pharmaceutical science from Uppsala University. Eva Sjökvist Saers has many years of experience from the pharmaceutical industry where she has worked in various leading positions within Astra/AstraZeneca, Apoteket AB and as CEO of the pharmaceutical company Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier AB (APL) for more than 10 years. Eva Sjökvist Saers is also Chairman of the strategic innovation area Swelife and has previously been Chairman of Apotekarsocieteten and Vice Chairman of SwedenBIO.

Updated 2024-05-21