
Change in number of shares and votes in Alligator Bioscience AB

During September 2023, the number of shares and votes in Alligator Bioscience AB (“Alligator”) has increased as a result of the exercise of warrants series TO 6 which were issued in connection with the rights issue of units which was resolved by the Board of Directors on 22 March 2023 and approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 24 April 2023. As of 29 September 2023, the total number of outstanding shares in Alligator amounts to 658,904,140, whereof 657,954,290 are ordinary shares with one vote each and 949,850 are series C shares with 1/10 vote each. The total number of votes as of 29 September 2023 amounts to 658,049,275.

Updated 2023-09-29