Laura von Schantz

  • Independent in relation to the Company and its management: No
  • Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes
  • Holdings in Alligator: 10,504 shares, 77,000 warrants in program TO 2022/2025 I, and 100,000 warrants in program TO 2024/2027 I.
  • Other current positions: None

Laura von Schantz – born 1982, Chief Technology Officer – is a Swedish graduate engineer in biotechnical engineering and has a doctorate in immuno-technology from Lund University. Laura joined Alligator in 2014 and has played a key role in securing Alligator’s research agreements, as well as in restructuring and invigorating the company’s Discovery function. Member of the Executive Management Team since 2023.

Updated 2024-05-21