ØU Life Science Investor Conference

Köpenhamn Köpenhamn, Danmark

Søren Bregenholt, Chief Executive Officer of Alligator Bioscience, will present the company, its latest developments, and upcoming catalysts to investors.

European Bispecific & Multispecific Antibody Congress

Amsterdam Amsterdam, Nederländerna

Laura von Schantz, Vice President of Discovery at Alligator Bioscience, will give a presentation entitled "Reviewing the Landscape of Obligate MoAs for Bi-/Multispecifics to Prioritise and De-Risk Current and Future Efforts" at 2.30 pm CET on February 22.

Inv€$tival Showcase

Old Billingsgate 1 Old Billingsgate Walk, 16 Lower Thames, London, Storbritannien (Förenade kungariket Storbritannien)